Staff Weekend, Wartegg Castle, Switzerland, 2014

23-24 August 2014 · With 42 participants we were the largest group ever in our staff weekends at the Wartegg castle in Switzerland. This years aspect of self-defence brought us profound fews in interesting side aspects we do not practice all the time in our schools.

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Fasting Retreat 2014

21-28 April 2014 · Complete cleanout – Ultimate purification · Do you have difficulties to abstain food for five days? Or are you already experienced in fasting and wish to go further? Then, this is the right retreat for you. Our well prepared fasting is approved from medical scientists and will bring you to new…

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Anna Morf defeats the ‘last chamber’, Switzerland

3 February 2008 · Anna-Marie Morf is the second woman, after Cristina Sokol, to become a fully approved instructor (Jiaolian) in our organisation. After an instruction process of many years candidates are examined by different experts in a test consisting of several parts. This examination takes several months and is concluded by the ‘last chamber’.

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Patrick Jeannotat defeats the ‘last chamber’, Switzerland

5 February 2006 · Patrick Jeannotat becomes a fully approved instructor (Jiaolian) in our organisation. After an instruction process of many years candidates are examined by different experts in a test consisting of several parts. This examination takes several months and is concluded by the ‘last chamber’.

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Oliver Hasler defeats the ‘last chamber’, Zurich, Switzerland

7 September 2003 · Oliver Hasler becomes a fully approved instructor (Jiaolian) in our organisation. After an instruction process of many years candidates are examined by different experts in a test consisting of several parts. This examination takes several months and is concluded by the ‘last chamber’.

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